Saturday, July 30, 2011

Sweet Rosemary & Lemon Salmon

Ok, here's a keeper.... if you like fish and you like flavor and you are feeling up for something new and fun- here's your ticket! We tried this recipe out the other night and it was great, a fun treat if you wanna break away from your regular simple fish!

We did this recipe on the BBQ and we used a Cedar Plank to give it a smoked flavor. It turned out very tasty... here's what you do! (If you don't have a plank or don't want to use one, follow these cooking directions, it should turn out just fine!)

2 TBSP honey
1 TBSP lemon zest, finely grated
1 tsp fresh rosemary, finely minced
2 tsp dijon mustard
1 lb. salmon stakes

If you use a cedar plank, you need to soak it for at least an hour, 2 if you have the time, and you can to do that by fill a roasting pan and submerging the plank under water (with a glass or some other heavy object) letting it soak for a while so it doesn't torch while on the grill :)

Then place your salmon stakes on the plank with the skin side down, and mix your marinate in a small bowl. Spoon your marinate on top and let it sit for 15 minutes, not too long for fish, you can over marinate it. After 15 minutes, take the plank to the BBQ and over med-high heat, grill it for about 20 minutes or until the fish looks cooked and the fat starts to surface to the top (it will depend on how thick your steaks are). Remove the plank from the grill and let the fish rest for 5 minutes on the plank before serving. Remove skin before putting it on the plate... but you already knew that :)

Friday, July 29, 2011

Healthy Spirits: New Arrivals

1. Allagash Fluxus 2011

2. Stone/Troegs/Jason Fields/Kevin Sheppard Collaboration: Cherry Chocolate Stout

3. Stone/Baird/Ishii Collaboration: Japanese Green Tea IPA


dave hauslein
beer manager

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Fresh Apple Spinach Juice

When I left for college, my mom gave me her old "Juice Man" juicer from Costco when she replaced hers with a more upscale one. I was happy to accept the gift :) I still have it, and from time to time I think about upgrading mine as well, but with 2 little kids in tow, I don't have as much time as I would like to juice, so my ol' faithful Juice Man still does the trick when I bust him out every blue moon!

Now, when making fresh juice (or smoothies for that matter), you should consume all of it within 8 hours to gain total health benefits. So, if you make a larger batch than what you can consume, freeze it in canning jars and take one out the night before you drink it. Fresh juice is best consumed in the morning when you wake, to be the first thing to go through your system and give you energy throughout the day. If you have a juice man or access to one, try this recipe out!

This has been one of my staple juices since college. I have always recommended this juice combo to people who tell me they (or their children) can't "go" and seem to be a little clogged up. (more on that topic below!) Whether that's you or not, this sweet treat & nutrient dense juice is a delicious option for a fruit & veggie combo that is sure to leave you feeling energetic and revitalized!

2-3 Granny Smith Apples
1 bunch spinach

Wash and slice your apples, rinse your spinach, and send it all through a juicer! Enjoy a nice fresh, frothy glass of homemade juice!

More Info on being "clogged up"...
For some reason, that is probably the most popular question or topic I have heard over the years, and for some reason people love to ask ME about it! I really think a steady diet of fruits and veggies with limited process food will make most systems pretty regular, but if not, here are some things you can try to combat the clog-ation :)
  • REAL Apple Juice: This is the easiest thing to do, I usually recommend this to people when they tell me their kid hasn't gone in a few days... now, when I say REAL apple juice, I don't mean Motts or some other see-thru brand, that's NOT real apple juice, it's made from concentrates and is very high in sugar, not to mention it doesn't contain any pectin and pectin is what gets things a' moving. If you get a fresh squeeze apple juice, one that's dark and almost cloudy or NOT see-thru, or better yet the apple spinach combo above, that will unclog things fairly quickly and effectively. Look for REAL Fresh Squeezed Apple Juice in the refrigerated isle, if it's not refrigerated, it's not real! (Check out Trader Joe's, theirs is delicious!)
  • Flax seed: This is a great thing to take daily if you are trying to regulate your insides. This will get you so regular, you will go like clockwork, first thing upon waking, it's that great. The fiber and roughage that flax seed packs is super for your pipes! Simply get flax seeds and grind them in a coffee grinder (or buy the pre-ground ones, but they don't have the same shelf life or "umpf" that the whole seeds have, but none the less, they still work) and mix them in an inch or two of Pineapple Juice. Pineapple juice has a certain enzyme that aides in digestion and works wonders when combined with the Flax. If you need a little more "umpf" add a TBSP of Aloe Vera Juice, and you'll really be moving! You can also add flax seeds to baby food (small amounts will do the trick) or to smoothies, see here for details.
  • Probiotics: These things are ESSENTIAL! If you are going to take any supplement, take PROBIOTICS!! The "PRO" meaning "good" and the "BIOTIC" meaning bacteria which means that you are introducing your digestive tract to ample "good bacteria" every time you take this suppliment. Not only that, but if your digestive tract can continue to stay in the "positive zone" with bacteria, you will be less likely to get sick or ill. Did you know that most diseases begin in the gut?? Good enough reason alone to be getting all the good bacteria you can into your gut to fight off the bad bacteria, right??? See Dr. Furhman's site for a great Probiotic, or check out Nature's Way for a super probiotic for babies and kids. Is your infant gassy or constipated?? Dip their pacifier in probiotic and help their tummy's regain a positive balance, it's completely safe for all ages.
  • And at the risk of sounding repetitive, if you or your kids don't empty your bowels at least once a day or if you have to strain (too graphic??? well, let's face the facts!) you need to increase your fruits, veggies, legumes, beans, nuts, and water intake and reduce your sugar & refined foods.... that's a quick fix as well!
**Hope that helps, and I am sure.... I won't be getting any comments on this post! HA!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Looking Like Myself ~


Taken Last Weekend ~ Vacation
LOOKING LIKE MYSELF…what do I mean by that?  Well, I have my genetics and my lifestyle of fitness and nutrition that creates…drum roll…ME!  I am not supposed to look like the girl in the magazine, the movies, or anywhere else for that matter.  Back in the day when I competed, did I look at magazines, other girls and think…I need to look like that…why is my body not responding the same way as hers…check out how tight her backside is…on and on…YIKES...and BIG YUCK.  I am so happy to come full circle with knowledge, age (yes…it is fabulous), and wisdom.  I embrace who I am, what I look like…and being the BEST ME…not anyone else.  It would be such a stressful life to constantly compare myself to her, then her, and oh my…her…OH hell to the BIG NO.  Life is too short to even think unrealistic thoughts, goals, and for crying out loud….I AM NOT HER, HER, OR EVEN HER.  Did you know that ALL images in magazines are photo shopped to soften here, cut there, and create unreal images of girls, women, and men representing something that they are not.  I am not saying that they are not fit, although some probably are not in the greatest shape …BUT…lines, bumps, blemishes, rolls, bootie, hips are quickly painted away with a few strokes of a computer…for crying out loud…you can get a photo shopped 6-pack now…lol.  Really????  I am not saying I am anti-photo shop, but if I look at a photo and struggle to recognize who it is and have to go to the credits…I say…horrible…off that soap box.   

 Some of my older model images are slightly photo shopped…not all…but some…and I have to say it is an art of knowing just how much…and loved when some softness was needed.  Overall, I prefer the edgy REAL image that shows me, right here, right now…and those… I embrace the most;)  I really enjoy taking self portraits…no photo shop…most without makeup, and posting them on the blog so that you can see ME, at 47, after kids, injuries, surgeries…and Staying Healthy with my lifestyle. 

Love the NOT overdone photo shop
It is important to want to be ME and not someone else…that tells me that I accept, embrace, and honor who I am as Darla, the woman, wife, mother, trainer, daughter, sister, and friend…How could I even walk the shoes of helping people get healthy if I did not believe in this.  I hear so often…I want to look like you… and I smile, take it as a compliment…and let them know that the goal is to look like them…their BEST self with the wonderful genetics they have. I am a mother with a beautiful daughter full of youth, smooth skin, and body that a 20 year young woman should have and it feels like a reflection in the mirror…ME and that body 20 years ago…BUT that is the point….that was 20 years ago… and all I can do and want for me is celebrate who I am TODAY…and for 47 years young…I am pretty darn happy with that. 

Not Shopped
I embrace my fine lines earned from laughs, smiles, and a few frowns along the way and also the energy that I still maintain from taking care of myself…and say…YES YES YES.  I believe that aging is a privilege and an honor and although there is no such thing as the fountain of youth…the only way to keep this body and mind young is through living a healthy life…that means regular exercise, healthy foods, plenty of rest, and balance of work and play.  Also, living a healthy life and feeling youthful decreases my risk of illness…I want to do my best to live a good long life.  When it comes down to me and my mirror…there is acceptance and I look back and smile…YEP…the lines are there…I EARNED EVERY ONE!!!



Motivation of the Day:  Don’t Compare Yourself to Others in Your Journey of Life…Let Your Life be Yours…and Live it to the Fullest!

My Workout of the Day:
ARC Trainer: 30 minutes
Body Stuff: (light today…a bit tired) 1 minute intervals
Modified french press (repeated 4x in between legs)
1 set cross back step ups
1 set reverse lunges
1 set squat lateral lifts

Meal 3
Nutrition of the Day:
Coffee, one cup
1-1 Chocolate Cherry Whey Protein Muffin
2-Post Workout Shake/ ¼ cup raw pumpkin seeds
3-Shredded Chicken & Spinach Wrap
4-Small potato topped with n/f Greek Yogurt
5-Ground Turkey Breast Burger & Grilled Corn
6-Watermelon/Protein Ball

Personal Share:  Hubby wanted to prepare a full course healthy meal for me, so last night on the menu was: Appetizer: Grilled Jumbo Shrimp marinated in an orange ginger sauce and Chicken Sausage Skewer ~ Main Dish: Grilled Salmon and Brussel Sprouts ~ Dessert: Grilled Peaches stuffed with Goat Cheese topped with crushed Raw Walnuts.  He paired the dinner with a light Muscat wine.  The meal was absolutely fabulous….and we created a small video of part of it…bloopers are fun.  Enjoy the images as well.


Stay Healthy!


Blueberry Blast: A Mid-morning Snack

Blueberries, so fat and juicy, fresh from the sun-filled garden patch make a wonderful pick-me-up in the middle of a busy morning. This sweet-tart parfait combines plain yoghurt, sour cream, and maple syrup with blueberries, a spritz of lemon juice, and a sprig of mint. Easy to make in individual serving dishes.

You'll need: Plain yoghurt; sour cream; maple syrup; blueberries; fresh lemon, sprig of mint for garnishing.
Method: Place 2 tablespoons of plain yoghurt in the bottom of each individual serving dish.
Add 2 tablespoons of sour cream to each dish.
Drizzle yoghurt and sour cream with 1- 2 teaspoons maple syrup and add 2 tablespoons of fresh blueberries.
Spritz with a little lemon juice, and gently blend berries, yoghurt, sour cream and maple syrup together. 
Garnish with a few blueberries, a lemon wedge and a sprig of mint. This delicious parfait also makes a wonderful light summer dessert. 
For thoughts about food and the cooking life, visit

BBQ'd Turkey Burgers....

Hello again! We've had some fun summer adventures and visitors lately, and I haven't had time to post, but I have got lots of fun, new recipes to share so stay tuned!!!

Now, I not trying to take any credit on this one, I didn't invent turkey burgers of course, this is one of those posts that's supposed to help you out when you got strolling thru recipes to try to desperately find something to make tonight... or at least that's how it works for me. If I log it as a meal, then when I am planning, it jogs my ol' brain and gets put on the list and is usually under a day that says "something quick and easy!" Hope it works in the same manner for you, because this one should definitely be on the summer meal schedule! Fast, easy, effortless and enjoyed by all!

Turkey patties, either premade or formed by you with 1 lb. ground turkey
s & p & garlic (or garlic powder)
buns of your choice
avocado (a MUST in my book)
red leave lettuce
thinly sliced red onion
ketchup & mustard or BBQ sauce

If you are making your own patties, you can season your pound of meat with s & p & fresh minced garlic, then knead it all together by hand in a large bowl or you can season them afterwards (which doesn't require you to get your hands dirty!). Then split your pound of ground turkey into 4-5 sections and roll each section into a ball, push them down to make patties. Vo-la. If you haven't yet seasoned them, do that with s & p & garlic powder, and BBQ for a few minutes on each side, these cook quickly and are great for last minute meals! Add your condiments and enjoy!

***Avoiding carbs or wheat?? Try wrapping your burger in red leaf lettuce!***

Laser surgery for myopia early in life may create reading problems after 40

Shortsightedness, or myopia, seems to be endemic in urban populations. The National Institutes of Health suggests that myopia cannot be prevented, and that neither reading nor watching television causes myopia. I find that doubtful, as reading is a rather unnatural activity, and there is evidence that myopia is significantly associated with amount of reading at early ages.


Trying to avoid reading early in life would not be a highly recommended Paleolithic-mimicking choice, except for those who later decide to live among hunter-gatherers. (In spite of our romantic views of hunter-gatherer life, it is very rare to see an urbanite do this outside the context of anthropological studies.) Education requires a lot of reading, and without education in urban environments one is likely to end up suffering from other diseases of civilization. Diabetes, for example, is strongly and inversely associated with education level in urban environments.

Also, keeping up with friends on Facebook, without which life as we know it now could go on, requires a lot of reading and writing.

A different theory, often associated with Cordain, is that myopia is due to consumption of industrial carbohydrate-rich foods. Interestingly, according to Cordain and colleagues, myopia is typically accompanied by higher stature, a finding that is supported by empirical evidence. The idea here is that industrial carbohydrate-rich foods promote abnormal growth patterns during developmental stages, which arguably include abnormal growth of the human eye and its various structures.

Avoiding industrial carbohydrate-rich foods during developmental stages is feasible, but currently very difficult given public health policies that strongly promote the consumption of some of those foods, during development stages, as healthy choices (e.g., cereals). In part as a result of those policies, and also due to budget constraints (those foods tend to be generally cheap), industrial carbohydrate-rich foods are frequently served as meals in schools.

Okay, now to the main topic of this post. Let us say a person has myopia, should he or she fix it surgically?

As one ages, the ability to read at a short-distance (as in reading from books, or from a computer screen) goes down, because the ability to focus on short-distance objects becomes impaired. This phenomenon is called presbyopia, and is also associated with excessive reading. Therefore it could be called a disease of civilization as well. Most college professors at the level of Associate Professor and higher I know (that is, older folks, like me) have developed it, sometimes as early as in their late 30s.

In the general population, normally presbyopia sets in between 40 and 50 years of age, requiring the use of "reading glasses" afterwards … except for those with myopia. This is sometimes called the “myopia payoff of presbyopia”. People with myopia are often able to read well, without the help of glasses, after presbyopia sets in. The reason is that myopia essentially opposes presbyopia at short distances.

Someone with myopia will still have it after presbyopia sets in, and thus will have difficulty seeing at long distances, but will frequently be able to read well at short distances.

So, if you undergo eye laser surgery (the most common type) to correct myopia early in life, you may create reading problems after 40.

P.S.: A friend of mine who has been studying this tells me that eye problems in general are caused by avoidance of indirect sunlight. I am planning on looking into this more deeply in the future.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

New Arrivals: Fantome Magic Ghost, La Dalmatienne, Anchorage Whiteout Wit and more!

Hey all,
Got some kick ass new stuff in today. Check these out:
-Anchorage Brewing Whiteout Wit
-Fantome Magic Ghost
-Fantome Dark White
-Fantome La Dalmatienne
-Bruery Batch 300 Oak Aged Tripel
-Dogfish Head Theobroma
-Brewdog Dogma
-High Water Pom Cherry Bomb
-North Coast Grand Cru (Bourbon Barrel Aged w/Agave)
dave hauslein
beer manager

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Healthy Spirits: New Arrivals

1. Bruery Cuir is back in stock!

2. Just recieved three new gluten free beers!

-Estrella Damm "Daura" in 4 packs
-Greens Gluten Free Amber
-Greens Gluten Free Dubbel

More new stuff coming in by the end of the week.


dave hauslein
beer manager

Monday, July 18, 2011

Broccoli-Pineapple Gazpacho with Roasted Red Pepper Noodles

A refreshing chilled soup to beat the summer heat. This gazpacho is made in the early morning when the kitchen is still a cool place to be, and chilled until serving time. Sprouted sunflower seeds and fresh water are whirled in the blender to make a high-energy nut milk. Broccoli florets, lightly steamed, and cooled are mixed with sunflower seed 'broth', fresh pineapple chunks and a hot red pepper. The gazpacho has a smooth texture and a sweet, piquant flavour. At mealtime, roasted red pepper noodles, sliced black olives, fresh-snipped garden chives, and a sprinkling of hemp hearts add a special touch to each delicious bowl of summer-fresh soup.
You'll need: For the gazpacho--1 large head of broccoli; 1 cup of fresh pineapple chunks; 1/2 cup soaked and lightly sprouted sunflower seeds; 3 cups fresh water; 1 teaspoon tamari or soy sauce; 1 small hot red pepper; For the noodles--1 large or 2 small sweet red peppers; few grains Himalayan salt crystals; 1/2 cup stale bread, torn into pieces; 1-2 cloves garlic, chopped; 1 tablespoon olive oil. For the Garnish--1 tablespoon hemp hearts; 5-6 large pitted black olives, thinly sliced; fresh chives, to taste.
Soak 1/2 cup of sunflower seeds in fresh water for 2 hours. Drain and let sprout in fridge overnight.
Wash and seed sweet pepper. Cut into thin strips and place skin-side up on a baking sheet. Lightly dust with a sprinkle of salt crystals. Grill until skin is wrinkled and beginning to blacked. Remove from oven and cool slightly. Peel off skin and chill pepper slices. 

Cut hot red pepper into medium-size pieces.
Wash broccoli, break florets into pieces and lightly steam broccoli. When tender-crisp, rinse with cold water, and set aside to cool. 

Remove skin from pineapple, and cut into chunks.  Place sunflower seeds and 3 cups of fresh water in the blender, and process for 1 -2 minutes, or until 'milky'. Add 1 cup cooked broccoli, 1 cup fresh pineapple chunks, 1 teaspoon tamari, and hot red pepper. Blend until the texture suits your taste, either velvety smooth, roughly chunky, or anywhere in between. Chill blender jar full of soup in refrigerator until just before serving. Peel and finely chop garlic cloves, and add to olive oil. Place stale bread pieces in a small bowl and drizzle with garlic/oil mixture. Set aside to marinade.
To Serve:
Remove soup from fridge, add garlic/oil bread, and blend for a few seconds to combine ingredients. Pour soup into individual bowls, stirring a portion of sweet red pepper noodles into each serving. Top each portion with a generous helping of hemp hearts. Float black olive slices on top of gazpacho, snip fresh chives over soup and serve. An excellent light summer supper. Serves 4 -6 people.

Check out Zen-cuisine...a blog that's tasty food for thought!

Soup Haiku
Tender ripe veggies
marry fresh herbs and nut milk—
blender gazpacho

Dietary protein does not become body fat if you are on a low carbohydrate diet

By definition LC is about dietary carbohydrate restriction. If you are reducing carbohydrates, your proportional intake of protein or fat, or both, will go up. While I don’t think there is anything wrong with a high fat diet, it seems to me that the true advantage of LC may be in how protein is allocated, which seems to contribute to a better body composition.

LC with more animal protein and less fat makes particularly good sense to me. Eating a variety of unprocessed animal foods, as opposed to only muscle meat from grain-fed cattle, will get you that. In simple terms, LC with more protein, achieved in a natural way with unprocessed foods, means more of the following in one's diet: lean meats, seafood and vegetables. Possibly with lean meats and seafood making up more than half of one’s protein intake. Generally speaking, large predatory fish species (e.g., various shark species, including dogfish) are better avoided to reduce exposure to toxic metals.

Organ meats such as beef liver are also high in protein and low in fat, but should be consumed in moderation due to the risk of hypervitaminosis; particularly hypervitaminosis A. Our ancestors ate the animal whole, and organ mass makes up about 10-20 percent of total mass in ruminants. Eating organ meats once a week places you approximately within that range.

In LC liver glycogen is regularly depleted, so the amino acids resulting from the digestion of protein will be primarily used to replenish liver glycogen, to replenish the albumin pool, for oxidation, and various other processes (e.g., tissue repair, hormone production). If you do some moderate weight training, some of those amino acids will be used for muscle growth.

In this sense, the true “metabolic advantage” of LC, so to speak, comes from protein and not fat. “Calories in” still counts, but you get better allocation of nutrients. Moreover, in LC, the calorie value of protein goes down a bit, because your body is using it as a “jack of all trades”, and thus in a less efficient way. This renders protein the least calorie-dense macronutrient, yielding fewer calories per gram than carbohydrates; and significantly fewer calories per gram when compared with dietary fat and alcohol.

Dietary fat is easily stored as body fat after digestion. In LC, it is difficult for the body to store amino acids as body fat. The only path would be conversion to glucose and uptake by body fat cells, but in LC the liver will typically be starving and want all the extra glucose for itself, so that it can feed its ultimate master – the brain. The liver glycogen depletion induced by LC creates a hormonal mix that places the body in fat release mode, making it difficult for fat cells to take up glucose via the GLUT4 transporter protein.

Excess amino acids are oxidized for energy. This may be why many people feel a slight surge of energy after a high-protein meal. (A related effect is associated with alcohol consumption, which is often masked by the relaxing effect also associated with alcohol consumption.) Amino acid oxidation is not associated with cancer. Neither is fat oxidation. But glucose oxidation is; this is known as the Warburg effect.

A high-protein LC approach will not work very well for athletes who deplete major amounts of muscle glycogen as part of their daily training regimens. These folks will invariably need more carbohydrates to keep their performance levels up. Ultimately this is a numbers game. The protein-to-glucose conversion rate is about 2-to-1. If an athlete depletes 300 g of muscle glycogen per day, he or she will need about 600 g of protein to replenish that based only on protein. This is too high an intake of protein by any standard.

A recreational exerciser who depletes 60 g of glycogen 3 times per week can easily replenish that muscle glycogen with dietary protein. Someone who exercises with weights for 40 minutes 3 times per week will deplete about that much glycogen each time. Contrary to popular belief, muscle glycogen is only minimally replenished postprandially (i.e., after meals) based on dietary sources. Liver glycogen replenishment is prioritized postprandially. Muscle glycogen is replenished over several days, primarily based on liver glycogen. It is one fast-filling tank replenishing another slow-filling one.

Recreational exercisers who are normoglycemic and who do LC intermittently tend to increase the size of their liver glycogen tank over time, via compensatory adaptation, and also use more fat (and ketones, which are byproducts of fat metabolism) as sources of energy. Somewhat paradoxically, these folks benefit from regular high carbohydrate intake days (e.g., once a week, or on exercise days), since their liver glycogen tanks will typically store more glycogen. If they keep their liver and muscle glycogen tanks half empty all the time, compensatory adaptation suggests that both their liver and muscle glycogen tanks will over time become smaller, and that their muscles will store more fat.

One way or another, with the exception of those with major liver insulin resistance, dietary protein does not become body fat if you are on a LC diet.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Healthy Spirits: STAMPT promotion

We just started a new promotion with STAMPT. Download the free STAMPT app on your phone to take advantage of deals offered at the shop. Our current deal is:


It works like a coffee shop stamp card. Every time you come into the store and buy a trappist beer, you pull out your phone and we scan a barcode. This gives you a stamp. When you get 5 stamps, you get the glass.

The beers eligible for this deal are:

-La Trappe (Koningshoven)

If you have any further questions about stampt, check out


dave hauslein
beer manager

Friday, July 15, 2011

Green Bean & Sweet Corn Salad

Here's another light, fresh, and summer-happy salad to enjoy. You could easily grill up some chicken and serve this along side as your meal for the evening. Maybe add some kidney beans and have a great vegetarian salad for lunch or dinner! Enjoy this salad while the vegetables are plentiful and in season!

3 ears of sweet corn, cooked & cut off the cob
1.5 lbs of fresh green beans, washed & trimmed
1 heirloom tomato, diced
1/2 bell pepper, diced
1/4 cup red onion, finely diced
10-12 leaves fresh basil, chopped
3 cloves garlic, minced
s & p
olive oil
red wine OR balsamic vinegar

Bring a large pot water to boil and shuck your corn. Boil your 3 ears of corn for about 5-7 minutes until cooked, remove them from the pot but keep your water boiling. After trimming your green beans end's off, cut them into bit size 1 inch pieces, and put them in the boiling pot for 5 -7 minutes. Cook until tender, and drain. Set the flat side of your corn on the cob on a cutting board and cut off the kernels. Add the green beans, corn kernels, diced tomato (I used half of an heirloom), bell pepper, red onion and 3 cloves garlic to your bowl and toss. Add a drizzle of olive oil (about 3 TBSP) and s & p and your choice of vinegar. For a lighter flavor use red wine, a stronger more flavorful burst- use balsamic. Serve warm or chilled, delicious either way!

With Balsamic Vinegar added

Healthy Spirits: Small allocation of Parabola

We unexpectedly received one more case of Parabola. Limit 1 bottle per customer. They'll be behind the counter, available by request only. Beer Club members may have bottles held for them. Please make reservations BY PHONE ONLY. This is the only way to guarantee your reservation.


dave hauslein
beer manager

Healthy Spirits: New Arrivals

1. Fantome Magic Ghost

2. Mikkeller Barrel Aged Black Hole Series
-Peat Whiskey
-Red Wine
-White Wine
Buy all 6 and get 10% OFF!

3. Haandbryggeriet Haandbakk

4. Dieu Du Ciel! Derniere Volante

5. De Molen Cease & Desist (formerly known as Rasputin)


dave hauslein
beer manager

Thursday, July 14, 2011



Give me some Watermelon
Yes, I am 47…am loving it, embracing it, feeling pretty darn fit, sexy and my BEST ME…that is for sure.  I absolutely love to blog…it is an outlet, and I am a very social person…have to be in my business…but for the most part…that is my personality.  The beautiful part about writing is being able to be expressive and so guys…just to let you know…I am going there about being a woman at 47.  As a trainer, I talk with my beautiful female clients everyday about absolutely everything fitness….right down to periods, cramps, constipation, hormone headaches, anxiety, hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness…well you get the picture. 

Being 47 and a woman, I am not exempt to the YUCK changes that the body goes through at my fabulous age.  Do I feel like I am 23...YES…my body sometimes reminds me that I am not in the area of female changes….OH REALLY!!!  Now this is ridiculous…OK…things I do not like…night sweats….OH MY… soak the sheets and put myself in the heavy dry cycle for heaven’s sake.  Moving on to hormone headaches…when these hit....not fun…I do find that the OTC menstrual cramp medicine helps.  Let’s see…YES…irregular bleeding…another one of my non-favorites….I mean really…am I hemorrhaging or what….sorry guys…but ladies, I am sure some can relate.  One month can seem slight and the next month…I do not dare step out of the house…and walk to the bathroom cross-legged…yep yep yep…been there.   Why spend exorbitant amounts of money on fancy panties…NO WAY…Target here I come…lol.  Not to say that I do not have some of the fancies...but definitely not on PLAGUE days.  I was thinking about how much planning goes around this unkind week of the month…can I plan a vacation, weekend getaway, out with friends for the day….OH MY…wait everyone, let me grab my calendar so that I can count my days to ensure that Aunt Flow will not be along…I mean really…now bless the men who are understanding to their wives & significant others when it comes to women and going through changes. 

The thing about being 47 and experiencing things like night sweats, crazy bleeding, anxiety, and a whole different lower part….YES…the vagina does change as we age….OH MY…I said the V word, is that a pro-active approach is necessary.  My goal in life is to be the BEST ME at every moment and in every way…so I do take steps to have a healthy under carriage…lol.  This is a subject that many people are afraid to talk about and to write about…NO WAY…so, I will be the brave one and put it out there.  Things that I do to maintain my female reproductive health is using transdermal (rub on the skin) creams like progesterone and testosterone.  I am also a researcher regarding any natural way to maintain my body to include my vagina, and overall feeling of well being.  Hormonal changes are definitely not fair and I am doing everything possible to keep my body balanced.  I have incorporated eating ¼ cup raw pumpkin seeds & watermelon in my daily nutrition as a way to maintain a healthy libido. 

Raw Pumpkin Seeds...Giving them a try!
I am looking into things like L-Arginine and other similar supplements to keep myself in check.  I also read that using olive oil 3x per week massaged into the inner labia of the vagina keeps the tissue moist and supple.  YES…I am 47, but my goal is to do all I can to feel my BEST in every way…so talking about something like this I feel is very important…is it OH MY…I can’t believe she is writing about this…MAYBE…BUT…that is ME.  This is my life to motivate you and sharing about my life, and what I do to maintain my physical fitness in every way.  This is a subject that is very important for me and ultimately my relationship with hubby…who I must share is a very understanding man when it comes to absolutely everything woman…thanks Babe!  Do I want a dried up prune, unhealthy undercarriage for myself…OH MY Hell to the NO…well that might be overdoing it a bit…but really….I DON’T…so off to research more about olive oil.

 Motivation of the Day:  Look at Every Circumstance in Life as a Learning Experience to Grow and Be a Better Person

This is What I Can Do...Neg Pull Ups!!!
My Workout of the Day:
30 min ARC trainer

Body Stuff: Sets repeated 4x/1 min Intervals
Set 1
Incline Chest Press Smith: 40lbs on bar (1st time trying these...will see how I am tomorrow)
Neg Pull Ups
Set 2
Squats 10lb sandbag
Lunge Backs 10lb sandbag

My Nutrition of the Day:
Coffee 1 ½ cups
1-Pre-workout shake (lighter side)
2-Post-workout Shake (everything)
¼ cup raw pumpkin seeds
3-Lean Turkey Wrap (spinach/onion/tomatoes/mustard)
4-Grilled White Fish & zucchini
5-Protein balls (vanilla whey/flax/peanut butter/raisins)
My Published Stay Healthy Recipe for Meal 4