Thursday, March 31, 2011

Overcoming Adversity, Obstacles, and the New Me

Motivational Saying: Do not say CAN’T… say I will TRY with determination to succeed

This morning I woke before the sun came up….I could not sleep and I am not one to just lay there. My mind was on and thoughts swirling around. What was I thinking about….the question is really “what was I not thinking about.” It is in these quiet moments I have a talk with God and journal my thoughts…this really helps me sort things out. My thoughts also included my content for the blog today and sharing a bit more about myself and who I am “today”. What comes to mind is “Overcoming Adversity, Obstacles, and the New Me”. When you think about life and what you plan for yourself…the plans you have for yourself are not always what you think….that is when you know how much you are not in control of some of the circumstances of life….hence the saying…Control only those things you can and forget about the rest. Digging a bit deeper and being vulnerable right here right now with you….I suffered a severe cervical injury in 2008/09 which changed my life forever. I was down for a year, scheduled for surgery, unable to continue my work as a massage therapist, and lots of time flat on my back feeling a loss of my complete self...would I ever recover, fear, feelings of failure, could I continue with my passion of helping others…just so much that I would need to journey through and eventually accept. Today, I look back on that year, and yes, I may not be able to do some of the things I used to, but what I can do, I WILL with even more passion & fire than before. I persevered through long hours of self implemented physical therapy to avoid surgery and faith that each day would bring me closer to being the BEST me with my limitations. Now, for those who know my background of extreme athlete, letting that go was not easy, but I have to say that TODAY, I am stronger & wiser for my journey. My compassion for those with injuries and limitations is now heightened even more due to my experience…I can truly say that I understand what you are going through. So, what am I trying to say here…WELL… I am still an athlete maintaining myself utilizing a modified path and that is OK with me. Do I still have good and not so good days….YES…but I am so thankful for the Woman that I am today. I hope that sharing all this with you gives you hope that YOU CAN overcome anything, and to not let anyone tell you NO….because a NEW ME & a NEW YOU feels pretty fabulous ;)

Me after Cardio This Morning...YEAH!
My Workout for Today as Shared on the Video   

45 minute cardio this morning….YEAH!!!!!

BOSU crunches – 2 sets of 50 reps

Nutrition So Far:

1 cup Coffee prior to cardio

Post workout shake: 1 orange/6oz Yoplait light yogurt/prune juice/1 scoop whey protein/1/4 cup all bran fiber cereal/palm of almonds…blend and YUM

Stay Healthy!

Darla ;)

Stay Healthy Fitness Website

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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Hiccup in the Routine

I have to be honest...this morning was not my best. I woke later than I wanted which put me behind on my "ME" time....that means my workout, meditation, etc...those very important things that start my day off right...did not happen in the way I wanted them to.  Also, cycle day 2...NO FUN...I am sure the ladies can relate...anxiety and overall feeling "not good" increased times 100. I barely had time to down my morning cup.  Things to do and time seemed huge, overwhelming, & not enough time to prepare for my day, and well myself...forget it...I was frustrated :/  This is NOT a Darla place...I am a positive person who grabs onto the philosophy of "DO NOT SWEAT THE SMALL STUFF" 99.9% of the time.  I have been through much in my life's journey and having a hiccup in my routine was going to rob me of the GOOD stuff that I am all about?  Really?  My attitude to change was a choice I had to make....was I going to continue to be dragged down, be frustrated, & completely ridiculous...because when I think back about this morning...That is what it was.  NO...I handled it this way...RE-ADJUSTMENT...I had 35 minutes to complete a workout instead of my hour.  Today was my long distance cardio which I so love BUT ts not for me today....AND....that had to be OK.  ARC trainer interval was my BEST and closest choice to not only burn more calories but at least complete some cardio.  I could have just said to myself...FORGET IT...not doing what I was scheduled or planned, so what's the use...BUT THAT MY FRIENDS IS NOTHING BUT AN EXCUSE.  It is important to do the best you can with what you have at the moment.  So, my gears shifted and I DID complete my 35 minutes of interval cardio...and the reduction of time made me challenge myself harder to get the MOST bang for my MINUTES.  YES...I panted like a dog running on the beach and sweat was dripping enough to burn my eyes.  Towel Please!  Man....I feel so much BETTER!!!!


Coffee this morning before Cardio
Fruit Yogurt Whey Protein Shake Post Cardio

Now...I have been absolutely loving my Oatmeal Raisin Vanilla Whey Protein Balls. In between clients, a quick run into the kitchen to throw one together to have for Meal 2 along with my Spicy Sweet Potato Wedges.  Another Darla share....I LOVE sweet Potatoes and have one everyday.

My kick this week is to microwave a medium sweet potato, carefully cut into steak fry wedges, throw into a brown paper lunch bag that I have filled with my fav spices including a dash of cinnamon, place on a plate to enjoy.  I modified the Protein balls even more today by eliminating the oats, and using just the flax meal since I was getting enough fibrous carbs in the potato.  I used 1 scoop Vanilla Whey Protein Powder, 1 tbsp natural almond butter, 1 tsp cinnamon, handful of raisins, 1 tbsp flax meal, & just enough water to moisten to form into a large ball.  Place all the ingredients in a bowl, mix until it all sticks together, roll into a ball....and ENJOY!Meal 2 DONE!!!!

Just the Fries Today                                         I Modified These Today as Above

Stay Healthy!



Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Healthy Spirits: New Arrivals

1. 21st Amendment Bitter American 2. 21st Amendment Back in Black IPA 3. Sierra Nevada Ovila Dubbel 4. Ballast Point Big Eye IPA 5. Ayinger Jarhundereit Lager 6. Ayinger Brau Weisse 7. Port Brewing Old Viscosity 8. Port Brewing Midnight "Expressions" Black Lager (formerly Midnight Sessions) 9. Kasteel Donker 10. Lost Abbey Inferno (small bottles) cheers, dave hauslein beer manager 415-255-0610


Motivation Saying For Today: Not Feeling It Today…Do It Anyway

6am came too early this morning….It was hard push this morning….cramps and all the things that go along with being a woman…so it was nice to have hubby working out with me in the gym...Motivation! It was a feeling like a not wanting to do it day but I did it anyway. Splashed my face with water & downed a cup of coffee which also helped with the cramps….thank goodness. Out in the gym I go…man it was cold too…hubby was already doing his thing and the music was a “right on” beat to get my backside moving. Seeing Don doing his thing motivated me to get going as well….It was On!!! Also, thanks Babe for taking the pics this morning….I usually set up the tri-pod and take self images for you on the blog. I can’t wait to get my new HD video cam to start shooting videos for you. A bit more Darla facts: I am a less is more girl and when I workout…it is always a NO makeup moment…I love the feel of sweat on my face….I call that my FREE fitness facial…lol. I use that line on my clients too and get a laugh….Love the “Fitness Glow”. In fact, I rarely put on makeup unless I am going somewhere special, photo shoot, or something that calls for a little dress me up;)

My Workout Of The Day

30 minutes ARC interval setting (Sweating Like a PIGGIE…OH YEAH!)

Bodywork: Leg Core Focus Interval

I completed 4 sets of each exercise listed in approx 25 minutes

Leg Extensions 25lbs @ 25 reps

Lying Hamstring Curls 25lbs @ 25 reps

BOSU Ab Crunches @ 30 reps

Interval: Wide lateral lunge knee tuck fast paced @ 15 reps per side

WOW…still sweating BIG TIME!!!




Time to Stretch for 5-10 minutes

POST WORKOUT SHAKE TIME…..YEAH YUM & I had one of the Vanilla Oatmeal Raisin Whey Protein Balls that I shared yesterday…So Good!


Have a Stay Healthy Day!

Darla ~


Apple Spice Muffins

Ummm, do I have a new favorite muffin?? Maybe. I ate 3 the night I made them. They lasted a total of 24 hours in my house. They were a hit with everyone who tasted them. They remind me of what would happen if a spiced cupcake met apple pie.... yummmmmmmm........ that good :)

2 cups flour (I used 1 cup all purpose, 1 cup whole wheat)
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp nutmeg
1/2 cup coconut crystals or brown sugar
1/2 cup maple syrup
1/2 cup apple sauce
1/2 cup butter, melted
1.5 tsp vanilla
2 eggs, beaten
1 cup chopped apple
1/2 cup shredded apple
*** I used Granny Smith apples***

1/4 tsp cinnamon
1 TBSP flour
1/4 cup brown sugar or raw coconut crytals
1 TBSP butter

Preheat your oven to 375. In a large mixing bowl, combine all dry ingredients and sift. Then add your eggs, maple syrup, melted butter, apple sauce, and vanilla and mix well until all ingredients are blended. Lastly, add your apple, stirring well. Use lined cupcake tins and pop them in the oven. After 5 minutes in the oven, open the oven door and scoop the crumb some crumb topping on each muffin, close and let it cook for the remaining time. The WHOLE cooking time is 18- 20 minutes- they are done when you can insert a toothpick and it comes out clean.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Healthy Spirits: A visit from Dieu Du Ciel!

The day after the craft beer conference ended, Luc Lafontaine of Dieu Du Ciel showed up at the store with his entire staff! Of course we had to take a picture.


dave hauslein

beer manager


Hot Off The Press...Stay Healthy Fitness Feature on Page 38 this Month Natural Muscle Magazine!

Hi Everyone!

Another share of the day...I am a feature writer for Natural Muscle Magazine.  Every month YOU will be first to enjoy the issue....check out page 38 for another Stay Healthy recipe and Darla Details;) 

Stay Healthy Fitness Monthly Feature in Natural Muscle Magazine is out for April!

Have a Fun, Fit, Stay Healthy Night & Enjoy the Taste of Stay Healthy Food for Dinner!!!


Stay Healthy Fitness Personal Website

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Personal Share, My Workout & Fabulous New Healthy Treat

AGE 46 & LOVING IT!!!!
Hi Readers!!!

As I start this journey with you many things come to mind....getting to know you, sharing all about me, and motivating YOU to be the BEST you can be right here right now.  The first share about me is that I am very young at heart...I love to laugh, dance, sing, be a bit goofy, and really enjoy life.  I am sure many of you can relate to being in your mid 40s and feeling like your 20 something...what and where did the time go.  I can tell you this...time is too precious to me to waste a single minute on anything but positive & taking care of myself.  I am also very passionate about living a healthy life and enjoy being creative with my workouts and cooking.  In fact, an absolute passion and therapy for me is spending time in the kitchen using this and that and creating something absolutely fabulous tasting and healthy for my body. I am also a woman of faith, am married to the most fabulous husband who makes me laugh ALOT, and enjoy my family & friends.  Each day, I will bring a piece of my life to you through a workout, a recipe, image, video or personal share.  This is going to be a fun time and I look forward to living by example for you....This Is Me...46 years young maintaining a Stay Healthy Life!!!


30 minutes of cardio on my ARC trainer (I LOVE THIS MACHINE)

4 Sets of Each Exercise Below for Body Workout
Negative pull ups 5 reps (very slow & controlled, protecting my neck, breathing...NO DROPPING LIKE A ROCK)
Low Cable Rows 30lbs @ 25 reps (I think contract the muscle to move the weight...navel to spine, always good form)
Biceps Curls 12lbs @ 10-15 reps (I think relax my shoulders/neck, navel to spine, always good form)
Triceps Kickbacks 12lbs @ 10-15 reps (I think relax my neck, navel to spine, push to the floor)
Modified Smith French Press 10lbs on the bar 10-15 reps (I push weight from navel & never over my head, feel the muscle work)


Vanilla Oatmeal Raisin Whey Protein Balls...Taste like Oatmeal Raisin Cookie Dough...YUM!!!

2 tbsp natural almond butter
1 scoop vanilla whey protein
1 tbsp flax meal
1 tbsp ground oats (Scottish oatmeal is the same thing)
Handful of raisins
1 tsp Cinnamon
Water - just enough to form balls (be careful, add a little at a time or it will be gooey)
Cinnamon to roll the balls in sprinkled on a small plate

In a mixing bowl, place all the ingredients and stir until well combined and can be divided into 3 protein balls.  It is messy fun. Once the balls are formed, roll in cinnamon and ENJOY!!!

Oatmeal Raisin Vanilla Whey Protein Balls....YUM!!!!
Stay Healthy!


Chew your calories and drink water: Industrial beverages and tooth erosion

Dental erosion is a different problem from dental caries. Dental erosion is defined as the removal of minerals from the tooth structure via chemicals. Dental caries are the result of increased site-specific acidity due to bacterial fermentation of sugars.

Still, both have the same general result, destruction of teeth structure.

Losing teeth probably significantly accelerated death among our Paleolithic ancestors, as it does with modern hunter-gatherers. It is painful and difficult to eat nutritious foods when one has teeth problems, and chronic lack of proper nutrition is the beginning of the end.

The table below, from Ehlen et al. (2008), shows the amount of erosion that occurred when teeth were exposed to beverages for 25 h in vitro. Erosion depth is measured in microns. The third row shows the chance probabilities (i.e., P values) associated with the differences in erosion of enamel and root. These are not particularly enlightening; enamel and root are both significantly eroded.

These results reflect a broader trend. Nearly all industrial beverages cause erosion, even the “healthy” fruit juices. This is due in part, but not entirely, to the acidity of the beverages. Other chemicals contribute to erosion as well. For example, Coke has a lower pH than Gatorade, but the latter causes more erosion of both enamel and root. Still, both pHs are lower than 4.0. The pH of pure water is a neutral 7.0.

Coke is how my name is pronounced, by the way.

This was a study in vitro. Is there evidence of tooth erosion by industrial beverages in people who drink them? Yes, there is quite a lot of evidence, and this evidence dates back many years. You would not guess it by looking at beverage commercials. See, for example, this article.

What about eating the fruits that are used to make the erosion-causing fruit juices? Doesn’t that cause erosion as well? Apparently not, because chewing leads to the release of a powerful protective substance, which is also sometimes exchanged by pairs of people who find each other attractive.


Leslie A. Ehlen, Teresa A. Marshall, Fang Qian, James S. Wefel, and John J. Warren (2008). Acidic beverages increase the risk of in vitro tooth erosion. Nutrition Research, 28(5), 299–303.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Healthy Spirits Beer of the Month Club April 2011

Now ready for pick-up! cheers, dave hauslein beer manager 415-255-0610

Veggie Chop Salad..

I really wanted to make a salad the other night to accompany our Mexican Lasagna, but I was out of lettuce--- but that didn't stop me! I thought, not every salad needs lettuce, let's think out of the box! This was a crunchy, satisfying alternative to the everyday green salad that I always make!

3 large carrots, peeled & chopped
1 red bell pepper, chopped
4 stalks of celery, chopped
1 crown broccoli, chopped
1/4 cup raw sunflower seeds, toasted

Wash and chop your veggies. In a small skillet, add a drizzle of Grape Seed oil and your sunflower seeds, stirring them around to coat them in the oil. Add a shake of sea salt and stir once more cooking over medium heat until they are browned and toasted. Add them to your veggie chop right before so they don't get soggy. Drizzle on the dressing and serve!

Plan Your Meals Ahead for Stay Healthy Success

Hi Everyone!

Planning your meals ahead is a big part of success in your Stay Healthy nutrition program. The weekends are BIG COOK days for me and my hubby. We get out the crock pots, fill them full of 8-12 servings of steel cut oats, brown rice, and boneless skinless chicken breasts. Then we separate the meals out into individual containers to grab & go throughout the week. This process has become a part of our FUN together time as well. Creating in the kitchen is a passion and I will be sharing all my ideas, recipes and MORE with you. Let's start with a few plan ahead meal ideas though, reduce our stress, keep us out of snacks that are NO NOs when it comes to health....toss the chips, crackers, cookies, & anything that is processed and sits waiting for you in your kitchen cabinets...TOSS TOSS TOSS!!! Replace with foods that you will need to cook, but if you start planning will become a Stay Healthy Habit! Check out our steel cut Crock Pot oats, brown rice, and boneless/skinless chicken breasts.....fabulous complex carbohydrates/fiber and lean proteins.




Me after my modified workout, No Fluff, No Makeup, 46 years young, & maintained through Stay Healthy Nutrition & Exercise!!!!

Stay Healthy!!!

Darla Leal, LCPT

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Healthy Spirits:New Arrivals

1. Pretty Things Jack D'Or
2. Aecht Schlenkerla Helles
3. Leipziger Gose
4. Ninkasi Spring Reign
5. Rogue Hazelnut Brown


dave hauslein
beer manager

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Healthy Spirits: New Stuff

1. New Belgium La Folie 2011
2. Wychwood King Goblin
3. Ballast Point Sea Monster Stout
4. Anchor Old Foghorn
5. Allagash Odyssey
6. Oskar Blues Dale's Pale is back!
dave hauslein
beer manager

Monday, March 21, 2011


Hi Readers!!!

Hot Off the Local New Press...Stay Healthy Fitness & Social Network to help people adapt a Stay Healthy Life for Life! Read the announcement and then Follow Me on Facebook....Free Fitness for Life!


I am also on Twitter at the link below:

Stay Healthy!

Darla Leal, LCPT


Onions alive with Nutrition and Taste

Here's a simple onion soup that is tasty, and packed with nutrition.  It's so easy to make. You slice onions, garlic and tofu, but the oven does most of the work for you.  Once you've enjoyed it as an onion soup, make it again.  This time add different vegetables, noodles, or rice to the base for seemingly endless variations of this delicious dish.
 There are two different garnishes the onion soup, offering a vegan and a vegetarian option.

Vegetarian Version: With Parmesan Cheese

You'll need: (for 2 large servings): 3 medium onions, sliced; 2 cloves of garlic, finely diced; 2 tbs olive oil; 1 tsp. each dried herbs (thyme, oregano, savory); 1/2 tsp sage; 1 tbs tamari; 1 tbs Dijon mustard; 1 cup almond milk; 3 cup water; 1 block silken tofu, 2 tsp light miso. 

Garnish: (Vegan version) nutritional yeast; sesame seeds (Vegetarian option) Parmesan cheese

Sliced onions ready for baking

Here's How
Remove skin, and slice onions into thin rings.

In an oven-proof dish with lid, combine olive oil, tamari and dried herbs. Add onion rings and mix to coat well with oil.  Cover dish to sweeten onion's taste, and bake at 375 degrees until they are lightly browned, very soft and well-cooked. 

Adding the Diced Garlic to Oven-browned Onions

Add finely diced garlic and return dish to oven for a few minutes until garlic is slightly golden in colour, and onions lightly caramelized.

Frothy Almond-milk and Onion Broth

Remove dish from oven, and place 1/2 the onion/garlic mix in blender with almond milk, water and Dijon mustard. Blend until smooth.  Pour blended mix back into oven-proof dish, and stir gently. Replace lid, and bake in a medium oven (350 degrees) for 45 minutes.

Soft Silken Tofu Simmers to a Chewy Texture

Drain silken tofu and cut into cubes. Add to onion soup in baking dish, replace lid, and return to oven to simmer at 325 degrees for about 10 minutes. 

Blending in Low-sodium Miso Paste

To Serve:
In individual soup plates, blend miso with a small amount of water, then stir in onion soup.

Vegan Version:  Top soup with 1 tbs nutritional yeast, and 1/2 tsp raw sesame seeds.

Vegetarian Version:  Top soup with grated Parmesan cheese.

Health markers varying inexplicably? Do some detective work with HCE

John was overweight, out of shape, and experiencing fatigue. What did he do? He removed foods rich in refined carbohydrates and sugars from his diet. He also ditched industrial seed oils and started exercising. He used HealthCorrelator for Excel (HCE) to keep track of several health-related numbers over time (see figure below).

Over the period of time covered in the dataset, health markers steadily improved. For example, John’s HDL cholesterol went from a little under 40 mg/dl to just under 70; see chart below, one of many generated by HCE.

However, John’s blood pressure varied strangely during that time, as you can see on the chart below showing the variation of systolic blood pressure (SBP) against time. What could have been the reason for that? Salt intake is an unlikely culprit, as we’ve seen before.

As it turns out, John knew that heart rate could influence blood pressure somewhat, and he also knew that his doctor’s office measured his heart rate regularly. So he got the data from his doctor's office. When he entered heart rate as a column into HCE, the reason for his blood pressure swings became clear, as you can see on the figure below.

On the left part of the figure above are the correlations between SBP and each of the other health-related variables John measured, which HCE lists in order of strength. Heart rate shows up at the top, with a high 0.946 correlation with SBP. On the right part of the figure is the chart of SBP against heart rate.

As you can see, John's heart rate, measured at the doctor's office, varied from 61 to 90 bpm. Given that, John decided to measure his resting heart rate. John’s resting heart rate, measured after waking up using a simple wrist watch, was 61 bpm.

Mystery solved! John’s blood pressure fluctuations were benign, and caused by fluctuations in heart rate.

If John's SBP had been greater than 140, which did not happen, this could be seen as an unusual example of irregular white coat hypertension.

If you are interested, this YouTube video clip discusses in more detail the case above, from HCE’s use perspective. It shows how the heart rate column was added to the dataset in HCE, how the software generated correlations and graphs, and how they were interpreted.


Kock, N. (2010). HealthCorrelator for Excel 1.0 User Manual. Laredo, Texas: ScriptWarp Systems.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Healthy Spirits: New Arrivals

1. Midnight Sun Fallen Angel Golden Ale
2. Midnight Sun XXX Black Double IPA is back!
3. Midnight Sun Monk's Mistress is back!


dave hauslein
beer manager

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Healthy Spirits:The New Stuff

1. Russian River Salvation
2. New Belgium Lips of Faith "Le Terroir"
3. New Belgium Lips of Faith "Vrienden"
4. Oskar Blues Old Chub Scotch Ale
5. Widmer Pitch Black IPA
6. Widmer BRRRbon
7. Firestone Walker Velvet Merlin
8. Lakefront India Style Black Ale (Black IPA)
9. Wells Banana Bread
10. Telegraph Rhinocerous Rye Wine
11. Echt Kriekenbier
12. Lucifer glassware


dave hauslein
beer manager

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Fitness Expert Darla Leal Shares a Stay Healthy Nutrition Guide You Can Stick to For Life

Hi Readers!!!

I hope you are all doing well and Staying Healthy! My recent article provides the tools for a Stay Healthy Nutrition Guide that you can stick to for LIFE. Take a moment to read for a LIFETIME of benefit. I wish you all the BEST of HEALTH and Happiness. Life is too short not to maintain the wonderful gift of life you possess in the ONLY body that you have in this LIFE. Maintain it well and Live Life to the Fullest feeling your absolute BEST. I am passionate about this for YOU. Click on the LINK below for a wonderful Gift and Stay Healthy!

I am a Published Fitness Expert with over 20 years experience in the fitness industry and have enjoyed adding healthy cooking and baking to my everyday life. I share this art of healthy cooking monthly in Natural Muscle Magazine which I post here often. I am currently conducting Stay Healthy Nutrition Workshops where healthy cooking is demonstrated in a fun interactive environment....and the food tasting....Absolutely Fabulous!!!

Take good care and Stay Healthy!

Darla Leal, LCPT

If you have not joined my Stay Healthy Fitness Facebook Fanpage, do so at the following link for FREE articles, recipes, tips, related links and so much more. I also interact with my followers on this page.