Saturday, June 1, 2013

Counting my blessings

I have decided that my Sunday posts are going to be all about counting my blessings, they may not come every week but as often as possible I will be focusing on things that I am thankful for.

Today's blessing was brought about by the fact that tomorrow, June 3, I have a birthday.  I will be 38- and as one three year old reminded me this week- that's a big number ;) LOL and as my nephew reminded me- that's close to 40 (yes, I know that- thank you for that) ;)  I have really been contemplating my life and the impact that I am making on others.  Am I sharing His love with those around me?  Am I letting my heart, my passion, for others come through when I talk with them.  More and more I keep thinking of where I want to take my health coaching business- I know that I want to do something with children, and possibly even with medical coaching.  However, as time goes by, my heart is reaching out to how to best tie in my faith in these areas- I remember my reading of Made to Crave and how it helped me and I think that's part of where my heart is.  Thankfully I am just starting this journey so I have lots of time to refine my direction with it.

My heart keeps coming back to these words in Psalm 90: "So teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom." I desperately need to gain and grow that heart of wisdom and know that it can only come through consistent time spent in the Word.  

So my blessings come from the realization that I have been giving these days for a reason.  They are not to be complacent and just sit around.  They are to be used to seek Him and serve others- not self. 

 As I come to the end of this "long" post- I'll recap quickly- my blessing for today are the days that I have been given.  They aren't always easy, they aren't always good but they are "mine" and they are what I make of them.  So, my goal is to make the days count- I have one earthly life to live and I want to live it to the fullest. 


 oh, and this week I hope to have a few posts scheduled but I am on vacation with my parents and nephew with limited access to a computer.  We shall see if they get written- if not, I will post when I get back (see, I am taking care to recognize the blessings in my days)

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