Tuesday, June 4, 2013

The Runner's Life

So much of running is parallel to life- from the detours one must sometimes take, the obstacles to work through, the pain of an injury, and the joy of victory.  There's the pride in accomplishing a task that may, at one time, have seemed out of reach, the peace that comes from knowing you are in your "zone" and using the gift you have been given, and the broken heart that comes from realizing that, sometimes, that running dream isn't going to happen... this time.  Today, I just feel like I need to touch on the four basic areas and just go in depth about they impact my run.  See, today, June 5, is National Running Day- so this is "why I run"

Physical- this one is an obvious one- I run to feel healthy, to feel strong, to know that, physically, I am pushing my body out of the comfort zone.  I run because I can...

Emotional/Mental- this one is a tough one for me- because, as I mentioned in my previous post- I fight the comparisons all the time.  However, I run to feel free, to "let my hair down", to relieve stress (and so much more).

Spiritual- This one is another obvious one for me- I have mentioned it before- but when I run, I feel, and I know, that I am NOT running alone.  I live my life for the one who died for me- so, as I live my life- I take joy in the gifts that He has given me.  In the abilities He has placed in my hands (or feet)- I may not be the swiftest but as long as I am serving him with my hands and feet-- well that's all that's needed.

Heart- This is something I am seeing over and over- a runner has to have a heart for it- a passion somewhere inside of them to run.  The more I run, the more that grows.  If I take too long of a break from running (such as recently) it still grows, just at a slower pace.  Where is your heart?  What is your passion?  What are you running for? 

I know this is in regards to baseball but it does use my favorite team so I have to share ;)  Instead of why I play- this is why I run- for that unfinished business....(oh, and for the record- I couldn't decide which video to share- so you may see the others added in to other blog posts in the future)

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