Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Walk the Talk

If I am going to work with others to take the steps on their journey then I need to walk my talk- and honestly, I haven't been walking my talk.  I eat clean at work and then not at home.  I talk about exercise with some and then end up sitting at home.  I "preach" at others about work and stress and then carry mine home.  I'm sensing a theme here....

So, if I am going to walk my talk then I need to have some strategies/solutions in place.
1. Have healthy snacks ready to go- this is my biggest downfall- it's so easy to fall in the trap of processed snacks (which are not ALWAYS a bad thing to have on hand) or worse- the chips (um... Trader Joe's Olive Oil Kettle Chips are amazing- and not necessarily as bad since it literally has three ingredients- olive oil, potatoes, and salt but it's the portion control issue...)

2. Get a plan for exercise and stick with it.  I keep going back to the pin and quote I have seen:

3. This is going to be a big one for me- leave work at school- I'm adjusting- I'll be taking specific days and parking myself at school to get work done.  One will be Monday- when we don't have meetings until about 4:30 and one will be Wednesdays until about 4:45.  Both of those days there are classes at the gym to participate in.  My plan is to get the bulk of my planning done at school so that I can enjoy my time at home, so I can get caught up and stay caught up on my health coaching modules, so I can get things done at home that need done, and more importantly- something teachers don't always get to do- separate my work and my home life.  I need this for my sanity.  I know that every week will not be perfect and it may end up being a play it by ear from week to week.  But, what I do know, is that I am not enjoying my life as much as I should and it comes down to this- through the years I have made my life all about my work- I am at a state in life that I want to ENJOY life- that I need to acknowledge- out loud- my life is more than a lesson plan...

A lot of bloggers are participating in 31 days of.... (choose their topic). I don't know that I have 31 days worth of "stuff' to tie in (no comment dad!) but I think this month of October is going to be all about being real- October is a time for people to put masks on- I say this October needs to be a time for me to take my mask off.  To be real, to be healthy, and to take this journey- one step at a time!

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