Thursday, February 7, 2013

Singleness and Valentine's Day (non fitness related)

Oh, if only it worked like that at this grown-up stage of life.  What works in elementary school definitely does NOT work now!  LOL :)  Seriously though- you may be wondering what this has to do with fitness, or food- and the answer is...absolutely nothing.  It does however have some to do with having a healthy life.

In 37 years I can count on one hand the number of "dates" I have had on Valentine's Day (and in full disclosure- they have been with my dad or kids I have babysat so their parents could have date night)

 Is it hard?  Sure it is- in my opinion this is the hardest day for 2 groups of people- those who are single (and not by choice) and those who are married- yet just as alone. :(  It doesn't make it easy to see couple after couple, commercial after commercial, ad after ad- all reminding you of that "one thing" you are missing.  And yet, I have learned that if one really takes a look- that "one thing" is there...

That emptiness- that feeling of despair- it's a LIE!  Again, it's hard but YOU, you my friend, are beautiful.  You ARE worth the pursuit.  You ARE loved.  Maybe not what the world considers love- but by eternal standards- I am loved beyond my wildest dreams!  Share with someone today just how much they mean to you- and do this daily- not just focused on one day of the year...

So, as you prepare for this Valentine's Day- whether single or married- remember to share love with those around you.  You will never know when your actions will be the ones to encourage someone else!

(and yes, I KNOW Valentine's Day is next Thursday but this was on my heart today so- today it is) :)

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